The data give the correlations between 6 pepper variables. The data are taken from the article published by Silva et al. (2013).



An object of class "matrix".


Silva et al. (2013) Path analysis in multicollinearity for fruit traits of pepper. Idesia, 31:55-60.


data(peppercorr) print(peppercorr)
#> PL FL LFD PT AFW DMC #> PL 1.0000 0.1723 0.6210 0.3492 0.7106 -0.4563 #> FL 0.1723 1.0000 0.0013 0.0817 0.1470 -0.4806 #> LFD 0.6210 0.0013 1.0000 0.6791 0.9289 -0.7435 #> PT 0.3492 0.0817 0.6791 1.0000 0.7766 -0.7089 #> AFW 0.7106 0.1470 0.9289 0.7766 1.0000 -0.7195 #> DMC -0.4563 -0.4806 -0.7435 -0.7089 -0.7195 1.0000
# End (not run)