tocher performs the Tocher (Rao, 1952) optimization clustering from a distance matrix. The cophenetic distance matrix for a Tocher's clustering can also be computed using the methodology proposed by Silva \& Dias (2013).

# S3 method for dist
tocher(d, algorithm = c("original", "sequential"))
# S3 method for tocher
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for tocher



an object of class "dist".


a character indicating the algorithm to be used for clustering objects. It must be one of the two: "original" (default) or "sequential". The latter is the method proposed by Vasconcelos et al. (2007), and sometimes called "modified" Tocher.


an object of class "tocher".


optional further arguments from print.


An object of class tocher. A list of


the call which produced the result.


character; the algorithm that has been used as input.


a list of length k (the number of clusters), containing the labels of the objects in d for each cluster.


a numeric vector indicating the class (the cluster) of each object in d.


a numeric vector containing the clustering criteria - the greatest amongst the smallest distances involving each object in d. If algorithm = "original", this vector contains an unique value, i.e., the same criterion is used for every clustering step.


a matrix of distances within (diagonal) and between (off-diagonal) clusters.


the input object.


Clustering a large number of objects (say 300 or more) can be time demanding.


Cruz, C.D.; Ferreira, F.M.; Pessoni, L.A. (2011) Biometria aplicada ao estudo da diversidade genetica. Visconde do Rio Branco: Suprema.

Rao, R.C. (1952) Advanced statistical methods in biometric research. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Sharma, J.R. (2006) Statistical and biometrical techniques in plant breeding. Delhi: New Age International.

Silva, A.R. & Dias, C.T.S. (2013) A cophenetic correlation coefficient for Tocher's method. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 48:589-596.

Vasconcelos, E.S.; Cruz, C.D.; Bhering, L.L.; Resende Junior, M.F.R. (2007) Alternative methodology for the cluster analysis. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 42:1421-1428.


Anderson Rodrigo da Silva <>

See also


# example 1 data(garlicdist) (garlic <- tocher(garlicdist))
#> #> Tocher's Clustering #> #> Call: tocher.dist(d = garlicdist) #> #> Cluster algorithm: original #> Number of objects: 17 #> Number of clusters: 6 #> Most contrasting clusters: cluster 3 and cluster 5, with #> average intercluster distance: 11.78786 #> #> $`cluster 1` #> [1] 8 9 12 4 10 2 7 15 #> #> $`cluster 2` #> [1] 1 6 14 #> #> $`cluster 3` #> [1] 11 13 #> #> $`cluster 4` #> [1] 3 5 #> #> $`cluster 5` #> [1] 16 #> #> $`cluster 6` #> [1] 17 #>
garlic$distClust # cluster distances
#> cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 3 cluster 4 cluster 5 cluster 6 #> cluster 1 1.745434 4.333530 3.264753 7.070493 8.816863 3.045773 #> cluster 2 4.333530 1.930265 7.525301 4.156222 3.476651 3.560654 #> cluster 3 3.264753 7.525301 2.317785 8.019206 11.787861 6.596850 #> cluster 4 7.070493 4.156222 8.019206 2.324152 4.043741 8.484307 #> cluster 5 8.816863 3.476651 11.787861 4.043741 0.000000 5.441962 #> cluster 6 3.045773 3.560654 6.596850 8.484307 5.441962 0.000000
# example 2 data(USArrests) (usa <- tocher(dist(USArrests)))
#> #> Tocher's Clustering #> #> Call: tocher.dist(d = dist(USArrests)) #> #> Cluster algorithm: original #> Number of objects: 50 #> Number of clusters: 8 #> Most contrasting clusters (first 4 objects): #> cluster 7 (size 2) cluster 8 (size 1) #> 1 Florida Hawaii #> 2 North Carolina #> ... with average intercluster distance: 291.5144
#> cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 3 cluster 4 cluster 5 cluster 6 cluster 7 #> cluster 1 26.14235 63.73447 189.02239 134.11401 225.11576 103.81282 273.19341 #> cluster 2 63.73447 27.40611 129.52450 74.90038 165.32046 45.33134 214.23667 #> cluster 3 189.02239 129.52450 28.01131 59.47827 44.18989 91.36375 89.73627 #> cluster 4 134.11401 74.90038 59.47827 25.12962 93.97672 40.87804 142.65993 #> cluster 5 225.11576 165.32046 44.18989 93.97672 26.66918 126.36387 55.76879 #> cluster 6 103.81282 45.33134 91.36375 40.87804 126.36387 25.32464 175.26789 #> cluster 7 273.19341 214.23667 89.73627 142.65993 55.76879 175.26789 38.52791 #> cluster 8 41.09477 79.71761 206.11320 151.11604 241.91103 118.42070 291.51441 #> cluster 8 #> cluster 1 41.09477 #> cluster 2 79.71761 #> cluster 3 206.11320 #> cluster 4 151.11604 #> cluster 5 241.91103 #> cluster 6 118.42070 #> cluster 7 291.51441 #> cluster 8 0.00000
# cophenetic correlation cophUS <- cophenetic(usa) cor(cophUS, dist(USArrests))
#> [1] 0.9662597
# using the sequential algorithm (usa2 <- tocher(dist(USArrests), algorithm = "sequential"))
#> #> Tocher's Clustering #> #> Call: tocher.dist(d = dist(USArrests), algorithm = "sequential") #> #> Cluster algorithm: sequential #> Number of objects: 50 #> Number of clusters: 4 #> Most contrasting clusters (first 4 objects): #> cluster 3 (size 19) cluster 4 (size 1) #> 1 Illinois Hawaii #> 2 New York #> 3 Michigan #> 4 Louisiana #> ... with average intercluster distance: 217.3266
#> [1] 38.52791 59.93071 155.29601 155.29601
# example 3 data(eurodist) (euro <- tocher(eurodist))
#> #> Tocher's Clustering #> #> Call: tocher.dist(d = eurodist) #> #> Cluster algorithm: original #> Number of objects: 21 #> Number of clusters: 6 #> Most contrasting clusters: cluster 4 and cluster 5, with #> average intercluster distance: 3587 #> #> $`cluster 1` #> [1] Geneva Lyons Milan Marseilles #> [5] Paris Munich Brussels Calais #> [9] Hook of Holland Cologne Cherbourg #> #> $`cluster 2` #> [1] Copenhagen Hamburg Stockholm #> #> $`cluster 3` #> [1] Barcelona Madrid #> #> $`cluster 4` #> [1] Gibraltar Lisbon #> #> $`cluster 5` #> [1] Athens Rome #> #> $`cluster 6` #> [1] Vienna #>
#> cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 3 cluster 4 cluster 5 cluster 6 #> cluster 1 689.400 1337.3333 1324.545 2071.00 2053.045 1127.273 #> cluster 2 1337.333 686.3333 2498.000 3142.00 2781.333 1571.667 #> cluster 3 1324.545 2498.0000 636.000 960.75 2704.750 2105.500 #> cluster 4 2071.000 3142.0000 960.750 676.00 3587.000 2955.500 #> cluster 5 2053.045 2781.3333 2704.750 3587.00 817.000 1600.000 #> cluster 6 1127.273 1571.6667 2105.500 2955.50 1600.000 0.000
# End (not run)