The data give the squared generalized Mahalanobis distances between 17 garlic cultivars. The data are taken from the article published by Silva & Dias (2013).



An object of class "dist" based on 17 objects.


Silva, A.R. & Dias, C.T.S. (2013) A cophenetic correlation coefficient for Tocher's method. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 48:589-596.


data(garlicdist) tocher(garlicdist)
#> #> Tocher's Clustering #> #> Call: tocher.dist(d = garlicdist) #> #> Cluster algorithm: original #> Number of objects: 17 #> Number of clusters: 6 #> Most contrasting clusters: cluster 3 and cluster 5, with #> average intercluster distance: 11.78786 #> #> $`cluster 1` #> [1] 8 9 12 4 10 2 7 15 #> #> $`cluster 2` #> [1] 1 6 14 #> #> $`cluster 3` #> [1] 11 13 #> #> $`cluster 4` #> [1] 3 5 #> #> $`cluster 5` #> [1] 16 #> #> $`cluster 6` #> [1] 17 #>
# End (not run)